Pixie Preschool I is located in Londonderry, NH. It is a private, early childhood program/day care center school that serves 18 students in grades K. Pixie Preschool I is coed . At Pixie Preschool, we believe that parents are the first and most important teachers in a child’s life. As with any teacher, parents need a variety of resources that they can use to open their child’s mind to the world around them and promote early learning. To encourage a successful learning environment for our children at home and at school, we provide parents with information about their child’s class progress every month in the form of Program Newsletters. We also provide all monthly event information for all classes in our Online Event Calendar.

Pixie Preschool
How can we help you?
Phone | (603) 437-0189 |
distance: | |
Address | 28 Buttrick Road, Londonderry, NH, 03053 |
Category | Childcare, Education |